Letter from the President: Spring Edition 2024
By Rep. Angela Romero (UT)

Rep. Angela Romero (UT), NHCSL President
Download the 2024 Spring Edition of NHCSL's Newsletter here.
Dear Familia,
I’m excited to greet you all in this edition of NHCSL’s newsletter, the first since I had the honor of being sworn in last December as your President to lead our Caucus for the next two years. My main commitment for my tenure is to help all of you become more effective legislators. To that end, please make sure to maximize the resources our organization has to offer. Our staff is eager to assist you.
These resources and the connections we make with each other are important when facing challenges like this year’s legislative session.
Our communities are facing attacks through multiple flanks, bearing once again the brunt of a new version of the culture wars we’ve seen through different words and concepts for the last few years now. It’s up to us to stand up for the institutions, laws, and precedents that gave us the rights we now enjoy, and have allowed us to advance our careers, and now serve our constituents. But, as I said during our Spring Meeting’s Executive Committee, we cannot do that alone.
This year, possibly more than any other since we started serving in our state’s capitols, we need to defend our identities and our rights to spaces and opportunities that will help the next generations achieve their dreams. We must continue standing up for what’s right and defend the diversity that makes our ation strong and distinguishes us from others in the world.
Let’s keep working together and supporting each other. Our districts, states, and our country deserve it.
Rep. Angela Romero (UT)
NHCSL President