Law and Criminal Justice
The Law and Criminal Justice Task Force covers policies related to gun violence and its disproportionate impact in Hispanic communities, criminal justice reform, decreasing mass incarceration, juvenile justice system reform, eradicating racial or ethnic profiling, ending the unequal prosecution of minorities, decriminalization of drug possession and legalization of cannabis, among others.
Task Force Leadership 2024-2025
Recent Resolutions
Targeting the Data Gaps in Gun Violence and Police Use of Force
Support for the MORE Act to Deschedule Cannabis from the Controlled Substances Act, Expunge Convictions, and other Reparative Reforms
Improving Law Enforcement Resources to Address Disparities in Investigating Violence Against Native American Women
Curtailing the Use of Solitary Confinement,
Guaranteeing Fair Visitation Rights to Inmates and Families, and
Prohibiting Price-Gouging on
Inmate Telecom and Tech Options
Reducing Recidivism Through Reintegration Policies
Calling for the Creation and Improvement of
Restorative Justice Programs to Reduce Contacts
Between Youth and the Justice System
Common Sense Gun Safety to Prevent Terrorism and School Massacres
Providing a Legal Framework when Jurisdictions Decide to Decriminalize, Commercialize and Tax Cannabis
Resolution Supporting Repeal of the Death Penalty