Letter from the President: Winter Edition 2023
By Sen. Nellie Pou (NJ)

Sen. Nellie Pou (NJ), NHCSL President
Dear Familia,
I’m very excited to welcome you all to the relaunch of NHCSL’s quarterly newsletter! As I conclude my tenure as NHCSL’s President, I want to take this opportunity to reflect on the work we have done together and my hopes for the future.
From meeting with Vice President Harris to discuss reproductive rights after the Dobbs decision, to spearheading policies that improve people’s lives, while fighting against racist and harmful bills in our states, the past two years have been challenging but have also produced some of our best legislative work. And it is through the support, exchange, and growth that we offer each other within our Caucus that we become more effective in advancing our constituents’ priorities.
I hope to see you all at our 21st Annual Summit in Philadelphia from Nov. 30 – Dec 3. This will also be my last convening as your President, and I’m very excited to celebrate with all of you the end of my tenure, all our accomplishments, and the passing of the torch to the new NHCSL leadership during our Noche de Celebración.
I am also counting on you to participate in our Caucus’ election. This is a very important process for the future of our organization, so make sure your voice is heard to lead NHCSL into the future.
See you in Philly!
Con profundo agradecimiento,
Sen. Nellie Pou (NJ)
NHCSL President
Download the 2023 Winter Edition of NHCSL's Newsletter here.