A Win for Our Familias Through Executive Action
By Rep. Danilo Burgos, NHCSL Latino Voting and Elections Task Force Chair

Rep. Danilo Burgos, NHCSL Latino Voting and Elections Task Force Chair
Download the 2024 Summer Edition of NHCSL's Newsletter here.
Last month, in a pivotal moment for immigration policy, President Biden announced executive action that extends work permits and expands protections for DACA recipients and undocumented spouses of U.S. citizens. This move, applauded by the National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators (NHCSL), marks a significant step towards providing stability and new opportunity to hundreds of thousands of families across the country.
This announcement followed relentless advocacy from state legislators and our partners in la lucha, the American Business Immigration Coalition (ABIC). Their letter petitioning the President, co-sponsored by NHCSL and signed by many of us, played a crucial role. I was particularly proud to join NHCSL President Rep. Angela Romero (UT), Rep. Liz Hernandez (IL), NHCSL East Region Chair Sen. Jason Esteves (GA), and leaders from Pennsylvania in media activations, raising awareness among our constituents and delivering a clear message to the federal government.
As state legislators, we supported ABIC’s petition because each of us has heard from constituents who urgently need this relief. We can all visualize specific faces, families, and individuals whose lives will be positively impacted.
For too long, mixed-status families have lived under the shadow of uncertainty and fearing family separation. Additionally, the legal challenges to the DACA program and the plight of young DREAMers who lack a clear path to education and careers further underscore the need for decisive action, since there is a growing number of young DREAMers who are coming of age and lacking any kind of path forward towards an education and a professional career in the only home they know, our country.
President Biden’s extension of protections and pathways to citizenship not only affirms their place in America but also ensures our country continues to benefit from their tal-ents and ambitions.
Protecting immigrants is not just a moral imperative but also essential for our economy. Immigrants are credited for driving down inflation, filling critical roles in construction, agriculture, and healthcare industries, as well as keeping supply chains going. Ignoring their contributions would severely impact our livelihoods, our economy and everyone’s well-being. However, while executive actions like these are crucial, they are not a substitute for comprehensive legislative action.
Congress still needs to take action and deliver the very overdue promise of a comprehensive immigration reform that includes a clear pathway to citizenship for DREAMers, essential workers, and all those who contribute to the fabric of our Nation. America’s strength lies in its diversity and resilience. By embracing policies that uphold our values of inclusivity and opportunity, we not only honor our past but also secure a brighter future for generations to come.