Sen. Nitza Morán

Sen. Nitza Morán (PR)
Nitza Moran Trinidad born on February 17,1970 and raised in San Juan Puerto Rico and the oldest and twin sister of my brother Miguel of three children and a younger sister called Janice and a proud mother of a 14 years old girl. Fortunate to have both my parents alive Iris and Mike who is also a veteran of Vietnam War and both dedicates their live to build a family business.
I was privileged to studied my preparatory years in a private school were I graduated with honors. My academic interest always were the sciences so after high school I decided to do my Bachelor Degree in Biology in the state of Massachusetts and afterwards Master Degree in Connecticut with a concentration in Serology. After graduation I started work in the School of Medicine in Ponce Puerto Rico as a researcher in the HIV virus program. On those days a little was known about the virus and we were able to typify the virus in the island achieving the way that the disease can be treated in patients. After years of researching and do collaborative work with the school of medicine in the Dominican Republic I published my first article in the Microbiology Journal.
Once concluding my work, I moved to San Juan and started working in the family business which was growing at that time and they ask me for help in the administrative office.
That’s where I became involved with them and acquired all the knowledge about the business administration concepts. After 20 years I did learn a lot about business and in those years I became a community leader and years after a became the President of the Association of Merchants of a very popular place called “Placita de Santurce” at the time were around 15 members and after I resign they were over 60 members and become the 1st place to visit in the TripAdvisor app. I also was able, without being a legislator, to work in one of the most important bill for my commercial area that was to declare them as touristic zone la Placita de Santurce and it did become law in 2018. Another experience that teach me how the legislature works and how the lobbyist does their work to push any bill they work for.
Such experience gave me the opportunity to interact and work with different municipal and state agencies in order to solved situations around the community and especially during the naturals events that Puerto Rico have encountered. After the hurricanes Irma and Maria, earthquake and Covid have made us very resilience people. I did help in several situations during that time which make me aware of what I like to do next in my life become a public server for the rest of the people in San Juan. The turning point I did serve during Hurricane Maria over 10,000 hot meals to those that had no electricity and giving them product of first aid necessities.
I’m a member of the Progressive Party in Puerto Rico which work with the ideal that Puerto Rico should became a state. This is something that I really believe in because been part of the territories of the United States and not been able to vote for the president and not been treated equally put us in a disadvantage as an American citizen. So I will always work for equality for all the Americans that I represent in the Senate of Puerto Rico.