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The Housing Task Force covers all issues related to housing including affordable housing, preserving homeownership, rent control, renting vs. buying, public housing, foreclosures.

Task Force Leadership 2024-2025

Special 2022-23 Priorities of the Banking, Affordable Housing and Credit Task Force:

  1. The old Banking, Affordable Housing and Credit Task Force had established rent control and other affordable renting policies as its housing policy priority. This  Housing Task Force is new for Mid 2022 and has yet to meet and formally publish priorities.

Recent Resolutions


Declaring a Housing Emergency and Calling for Multi-Government Initiatives on Housing Construction, Access, Security and Affordability


Calling for Stricter Short-Term Rental Regulations to Improve Housing Affordability


Help Student Loan Borrowers Become Homeowners by Consolidating Balances with Home Mortgages


Reduce Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Home Appraisals


Improving Access to Rural Affordable Housing


Promoting Affordable Housing and Hispanic Home Ownership