NHCSL Supports Video Choice and Competition in the Hispanic Community
Sponsored by: Assemblyman Felix W. Ortiz (NY), NHCSL President
Adopted by the Caucus on November 12, 2005
WHEREAS, NHCSL recognizes that the Hispanic population is a growth segment for the broadband communications market; and
WHEREAS, NHCSL strongly advocates for the increase of Hispanic-oriented programming, and non-discriminatory access to that programming, in all facets of the media; and
WHEREAS, programming should provide, to as wide an audience as possible, a positive and accurate portrayal of the cultural breadth of Hispanic and their contributions to the United States, one that recognizes and celebrates the diversity of the Hispanic population and culture; and
WHEREAS, NHCSL advocates for accessibility and affordability of technology and telecommunications services in Hispanic communities; and
WHEREAS, Hispanic neighborhoods need access to the latest technology and telecommunication services on a reasonable and timely basis and updating our nation’s telecommunications laws will help bring these benefits to as many consumers as quickly as possible;
WHEREAS, NHCSL advocates for greater and non-discriminatory access to video competition, in view of the fact that it provides more options for relevant content to our community; and
WHEREAS, non-discriminatory access to culturally relevant content, and affordability of new technologies, are good for the marketplace and needed for Hispanic communities; and
WHEREAS, the 109th Congress is currently considering updating our nation’s telecom laws; and
WHEREAS, NHCSL supports the acceleration of the expansion of broadband and video choice, given that it will increase consumer choice in Hispanic communities, thereby increasing diverse programming, accessibility and affordability to emerging technologies in the video marketplace.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that NHCSL urges Congress to update our nation’s telecom laws by creating a national broadband policy that provides a legislative and regulatory framework for the rapid, non-discriminatory deployment of video choice, ensuring the benefits of competition in the video marketplace for the Hispanic community.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators calls upon legislators and regulators at both the federal and state level to work cooperatively to review definitions, terms and conditions to promote consumers’ choice of similar services delivered through different mediums; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that any new legislation enacted by Congress should apply the same Federal prohibition of discrimination that currently applies with respect to cable to new competitors as well; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that any new legislation enacted by Congress should expedite and simplify the approval process for providers seeking authority to offer video programming services.
Adopted this 12th day of November 2005 at the National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators’ Executive Committee & BBA meeting held in Tampa, Florida.