Resolution in Support of Television Consumers in the Broadcast Digital ("DTV") Transition
Representative Joseph E. Miró (DE) NHCSL President
WHEREAS, in 1996 Congress mandated that full power over-the-air broadcast television stations return the analog spectrum they are currently using to the federal government, and begin broadcasting exclusively in digital format effective February 17, 2009, an event known as the “Broadcast Digital Television (‘DTV’) Transition”;.
AND WHEREAS, to facilitate the transition to digital television, Congress loaned each full powered television broadcaster an extra channel of spectrum, so that a digital format could be broadcast simultaneously with the analog format until the 2009 transition is complete; at that
time the analog channel would be returned to the government either for resale or for enhance communications for emergency services providers like police, fire and emergency rescue;
AND WHEREAS, the transition from analog to digital signal represents the most significant advance in television technology since the introduction of color television in the 1960s;
AND WHEREAS, the benefits of digital television are clear: sharper pictures, superior sound quality, and additional programming choices;
AND WHEREAS, the DTV Transition requires all full power over-the-air broadcast television stations nationwide to convert their service from the old method of transmitting TV signals known as “analog” to the new “digital” format as of February 17, 2009, and to cease providing analog services as of that date;
AND WHEREAS, any TV set that is not connected to cable or another video service, or does not have a built in digital tuner, will need to be equipped with a “digital-to-analog converter box” to continue receiving and displaying local broadcast TV stations after the DTV Transition occurs.
AND WHEREAS, the federal government is offering consumers $40 coupons to be applied toward the purchase of these converter boxes; however, these coupons are available on a first come first serve basis up to a maximum of two per household capped at a national outlay of $1.5 billion. There are an estimated 48 million homes that rely on roof-top or “rabbit ear” antennas for their television reception.
AND WHEREAS, it is anticipated that millions of residents may not be aware of the availability of these coupons for analog televisions they own that will cease to work on February 17, 2009 unless they are connected to a ”digital-to-analog converter box”;
AND WHEREAS, we are aware that any older analog TV set that a consumer has connected to the local cable system will continue to receive local broadcast TV signals after the DTV Transition, but millions of Americans own televisions not connected to cable or another video service and will require “digital-to-analog converter boxes” to work properly.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, (Municipality, County) urges all residents to become more informed about the upcoming DTV Transition and to apply for their $40 discount coupons by either calling the Coupon Program 24-hour hotline at 1-888-DTV-2099 (1-888-388-2099) (voice) or 1-877-530-2634 (TTY) or by visiting https://www.dtv2009.gov, and further, to assist their neighbors and fellow residents, such as senior citizens and
those with disabilities, to do the same.
AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution shall be certified and forwarded to all local media and the State Municipal Organization.
This resolution was adopted on April 26, 2008, at the NHCSL Executive Committee & BBA Meeting in Washington, D.C.
Representative Joseph E. Miró (DE)
NHCSL President