Calling on All State Governments to Support a Policy Framework that Accelerates the Deployment, Infrastructure and Production of Nuclear and Renewable Energy in the United States
Representative Pedro Marin (GA, Representative Mario Goico (KS), Senator Iris Y. Martinez (IL.)
Short Title:Support of nuclear and renewable clean energy options
WHEREAS clean low-carbon energy from nuclear and renewable sources is beneficial to the economy, environment, and our communities; and
WHEREAS, America's 104 nuclear power plants currently generate 20 per cent of the electricity for our homes and businesses around the clock without emitting pollutants or greenhouse gases into the atmosphere; and
WHEREAS renewable energy sources, including solar, wind, and biomass power are becoming more reliable in use and efficiency, currently generating 10 percent of the electricity in the United States this year; and
WHEREASthe scientists of the Intergovernmental panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recommend urgent action to halt the rise in world greenhouse gas emissions and then recommend reducing those emissions by half of 1990 levels by the year 2050; and
WHEREAS, in order to achieve necessary greenhouse gas reductions, new nuclear energy generation power plants are an essential component in assuring an affordable, proven and reliable electricity generation mix; and
WHEREAS, the expansion of clean energy infrastructure and production in the United States presents an opportunity to significantly reduce the country’s reliance on foreign energy sources, ensure sustainable energy generation, create long-term employment opportunities, and provide the infrastructure for economic expansion; and
WHEREAS, a new nuclear plant will provide employment for as many as 2,400 workers during a four-year construction phase and to 400 to 700 permanent jobs, that cannot be outsourced; and
WHEREAS,clean energy industries are developing and expanding domestic supply chains to the benefit of local communities struggling with high unemployment rates; and
WHEREAS, the clean energy industry is working with community colleges around the country to develop and implement education and training programs to enable more students to enter the clean energy workforce and benefit from good jobs, excellent benefits and community enhancement: and
WHEREAS,various state laws and regulations have been enacted across the nation to provide tax incentives, early cost recovery for new project construction, and portfolio standards inclusive of low-carbon generating technologies; and
WHEREAS,leadership in the states is crucial to creating an environment supportive of new clean energy projects that will increase energy security, assure long-term stability and affordability of electricity prices, and build a competitive and sustainable future for Americans.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislatures recognizes the importance of transitioning to a clean energy future and the urgency required to meet this challenge;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that the NHCSL shall pursue a host of State and Federal policy initiatives to empower its membership to lead in pursuing accelerated deployment of clean energy production and infrastructure;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that the NHCSL shall issue a series of recommended policy options available to state governments and designed to overcome challenges associated with initiating and financing clean energy projects;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that the NHCSL supports Federal initiatives for providing low-risk financing assistance for clean energy projects, including the current Title XVII loan guarantee program for nuclear and renewable energy projects.
Sponsored By: Representative Pedro Marin (GA, Representative Mario Goico (KS), Senator Iris Y. Martinez (IL.)