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Raising Awareness about the Value of Self-Care

Photo of Representative Diego Espinoza

Rep. Diego Espinoza (AZ), sponsor

Sponsored by Rep. Diego Espinoza (AZ)

Reported to the Caucus by the NHCSL Healthcare Task Force
Rep. Alma Hernández (AZ), Chair

Ratified by the Caucus on March 26, 2022

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WHEREAS, self-care is a lifelong daily habit of healthy lifestyle choices, good hygiene practices, nutritious diet, regular exercise, prevention of infection and illness, avoiding unhealthy choices, monitoring for signs and symptoms of changes in health, knowing when to consult a healthcare practitioner and knowing when it is appropriate to self-treat conditions; and,

WHEREAS, self-care includes making responsible use of all medications, both prescription and over-the-counter; and,

WHEREAS, the United States Food and Drug Administration deems medicines safe and effective for the self-care treatment of minor acute and chronic health conditions and symptoms such as pain, the common cold, allergies for the appropriate preventative care and treatment for other conditions that impact large segments of the population; and,

WHEREAS, over-the-counter medicines are either developed as new nonprescription medicines or switched from existing prescription medicines; and,

WHEREAS, over-the-counter medicines are self-care products that consumers purchase in pharmacies, supermarkets, retail stores and online; and,

WHEREAS, every dollar spent on over-the-counter medicines saves the United States healthcare system over $7 dollars each year totaling $146 billion in annual savings, mostly in unnecessary clinical visits ($95 billion) for everyday conditions;[1] and,

WHEREAS, over-the-counter medicines help to ease the burden on healthcare practitioners, eliminating unnecessary medical examinations that could be avoided with appropriate preventative measures and self-care; and,

WHEREAS, all states benefit when their citizens practice appropriate self-care, utilizing products for preventative care appropriately, do not make unnecessary visits to healthcare practitioners and are empowered by improved health and reduced use of health care services; and,

WHEREAS, achieving self-care’s potential is a shared opportunity for consumers, healthcare practitioners, policymakers and regulators.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators recognizes the importance of improving awareness of self-care and the value it represents to the constituents of NHCSL’s members; and,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Joint Task Force on Racial Disparities for Healthcare with the National Black Caucus of State Legislators, the National Asian Pacific Caucus of State Legislators and the National Native American Caucus of State Legislators, along with the Health Equity Advisory Group, should support increased consumer empowerment through the development of new over-the-counter medicines and the appropriate switch of certain prescription drugs to nonprescription; and,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators acknowledges that over-the-counter medicines can greatly improve and reduce costs to the public health system, and encourages consumers, healthcare practitioners, policymakers and regulators communicate the benefits of self-care.


[1] An additional $52 billion is saved by the entire system in drug costs, including what insurers pay and out of pocket costs. https://www.chpa.org/about-consumer-healthcare/research-data/research-reports/value-otc-medicines-us-healthcare-system-0