About the National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators

Colorado State Senator Larry Trujillo, who was then Colorado Senate Minority Leader, founded the National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators (NHCSL) in 1989 as a nonpartisan, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Now representing over 450 Hispanic State legislators throughout the United States and Puerto Rico, NHCSL's primary mission is to be the foremost organization serving and representing the interests of Hispanic state legislators from all states, commonwealths and territories of the United States and the Western Hemisphere.
NHCSL’s main goal is to improve the effectiveness of Hispanic legislators to positively impact public policy and the quality of life for all segments of the Hispanic Community.
What We Do
NHCSL achieves this by serving as a catalyst for joint action at all levels of government— from the White House and Congress to state and local offices— on issues of common concern and by providing technical assistance and resources to help legislators propose policy and legislative actions to make advancements in education, healthcare, housing, economic development, criminal justice, Latino civic engagement, and employment and job training for Hispanic communities, among others.
It also provides a forum for information exchange and member networking; supports leadership training, acts as a liaison with sister U.S. Hispanic organizations, promotes public and private partnerships with business and labor, and partners with Hispanic state or provincial legislators and their associations represented throughout the world.
Additionally, NHCSL advocates for the appointment of Hispanics to positions of influence in all levels and branches of government and for the hiring and promotion of Hispanics to positions of influence in the private sector.