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Dec 19, 2023

Statement from the National Caucus of State Legislators on Gov. Abbott Signing S.B.3 and S.B. 4

NHCSL condemns in the strongest terms Governor Abbott’s decision to sign S.B. 3 and S.B. 4 into law.

Dec 4, 2023

The National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators Installs Rep. Angela Romero (UT) as President

Rep. Romero succeeds Sen. Nellie Pou (NJ) as head of the Caucus

Dec 4, 2023

The National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators Held Its 21st Annual Convening with A.I. as Marquee Topic of Discussion

Convening also featured a keynote speech from FCC Commissioner Anna M. Gómez

Dec 4, 2023

El Caucus Nacional Hispano de Legisladores Estatales nombra como presidenta a la rep. Angela Romero (UT)

La representante Romero sucede a la senadora Nellie Pou (NJ) como líder del Caucus

Sep 15, 2023

NHCSL Honors Trailblazers and Cultural Institutions for Hispanic Heritage Month

NHCSL Honors Trailblazers and Cultural Institutions for Hispanic Heritage Month

Aug 2, 2023

Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi Addressed State Legislators During NHCSL Summer Convening

Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi addressed state legislators and the BBA in a keynote speech during NHCSL 2023 Summer Executive Committee and BBA Meeting.

Aug 2, 2023

State Legislators Gathered in San Francisco for NHCSL 2023 Summer Executive Committee and BBA Meeting

Latino leaders from across the nation convened at the United States Department of Treasury for the first ever Investing in the Economic Future of Latino Community Summit.

Aug 1, 2023

NHCSL Statement on the Passing of New Jersey’s Lt. Governor Sheila Oliver

NHCSL President, Senator Nellie Pou (NJ), issued the following statement on the news of the passing of New Jersey’s Lieutenant Governor Sheila Oliver:

Jun 23, 2023

NHCSL Joined First Summit on Economic Future of the Latino Community

Latino leaders from across the nation convened at the United States Department of Treasury for the first ever Investing in the Economic Future of Latino Community Summit.

Mar 17, 2020

Open Letter to President Trump re COVID-19

Joint open letter of NHCSL, NAPICSL, NBCSL and NCNASL regarding the use of ethnic and geographic references with COVID-19

Jul 10, 2019

NHCSL’s 2019 Spring Executive Committee & BBA Meeting

Hispanic legislative leaders recently met in the Nation’s Capital with Members of Congress, policy experts and industry stakeholders, and kicked off NHCSL’s 30th Anniversary. Here are some of the highlights!

Jul 8, 2019

Situation in Detention Centers: A “ticking time bomb”

Following an initial alert in May 2019, the Office of the Inspector General published a new report warning DHS of the need to take action on the dangerous overcrowding and prolonged detention of unaccompanied minors and families.

Jul 3, 2019

NHCSL’s national, regional and task force leadership tackles drug pricing, Venezuela and the Wall in Washington

Members also approved an emergency resolution on the border wall and the migrant humanitarian crisis; started an investigation into giving gig workers traditional workplace benefits; and held working meetings with many key members of Congress to engage on policy areas that are critical to the constituencies they represent.

Jul 3, 2019

NHCSL continues to fight the inclusion of a Citizenship Question on the 2020 Census

NHCSL continues to fight the inclusion of a Citizenship Question on the 2020 Census

Jun 5, 2019

Hispanic State Legislators Celebrate Passage of Disaster Aid Bill

Hispanic State Legislators Celebrate Passage of Disaster Aid Bill: The National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators (NHCSL), which represents the over 425 Hispanic state legislators from across the United States, including Puerto Rico, celebrates the bipartisan effort that led to the Congressional approval of $19.1 billion in disaster relief for victims of Western wildfires, Midwestern flooding and hurricanes that hit the Southeast and Puerto Rico, among other areas of the country.

May 20, 2019

NHCSL advocates for the expansion of voting rights

NHCSL recently testified at a hearing by the US Election Assistance Commission (EAC) regarding the proposed Voluntary Voting System Guidelines.

Apr 2, 2019

Hundreds of Hispanic state legislators join LatinoJustice’s SCOTUS amicus brief against 2020 Census citizenship question

In a historic first, NHCSL joins LatinoJustice PRLDEF, the Hispanic Federation and the Hispanic National Bar Association, in filing an amicus brief before the U.S. Supreme Court against the citizenship question in the 2020 Census